The Gree

Biology PSI Society Homeworld Language Background Notes


Mammilian, aquatic. Gree are truly aquatic in all aspects. Looks are similar to an Earth dolphin, but front flippers have finger-like appendages.

They have hairless blue skin.

Gree can not survive out of water for more than a few minutes, both because they can not breath, and because they can not support their bodies. They do however, have environmental suits which allow them to leave the confines of the water for brief periods. Extended periods are achieved with the use of exploration vessels, which are filled with water.


All Gree are empathic. Most classify as only weak empaths, capable only in direct line of sight. About 1 in 1000 though have this ability of hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers.

All Gree are also telekinetic, this being very strong, and well controlled.


Greed and murder are unknown in Gree society.

Gree do not have "jobs" per se. The work that individuals do is for the betterment of society. Work is performed in co-operatives/work-groups, that set their sights on one goal, and work towards it (developing a new computer system for example, or creating a new starship engine). Individuals who hear of it and are interested will come and join the work-group, and help out as they can. When some other project grabs their interest, they will leave to work on it.

Gree are highly intelligent, and extremly artistic. Every new project or creation will not only be better than one of other race's, but will be more asthetically pleasing as well.

When a Gree feels like mating, then it will join up with a parenting work-group, mate, and raise the offspring. They then stay with the work-group until their offspring has reached maturity, sometimes having more offspring in the mean time.

Once maturity is reached, the young Gree will leave to seek out new alliances, joining with other work-groups.


The sixth of 11 planets, this 11,000 Km medium-iron (density 5.9) terrestrial planet has .93G.

It's surface is 76% water, in shallow seas. There are no large land masses, but many small islands, which are all tropical jungle.

Atmosphere is of standard density, and is mostly oxygen-nitrogen. Average surface temperature is 35 degrees C, with a relative (average) humidity of 72.6%.

The Gree system is rare in that it has 6 gas giants. The first, and largest, is the fourth planet, a huge gas giant with a 240,000Km diameter. Circling this, along with 22 other moons, is a small 48,000Km gas giant. The eigth, ninth and eleventh planets from the sun are medium gas giants (88, 80, and 80,000 Km respectively). The tenth planet is another gas giant, a large one, with a diameter of just over 115,000Km.


Gree language is completely unitelligible to non-Gree. It consists of squeeks that are very high pitched, as well as sub-sonic clicking noises. This combination is used for short-range (a dozen meters), and long-range (several thousand kilometer) communication.

When speaking to non-Gree races, Gree use advanced computer systems to simulate human (or whatever) speech.


The Gree were totally content to live their lives on their planet, until in 2142, thier planet was visited by a scout ship from an undetermined alien race (possibly the Korhonen). The aliens decided the planet was of little value, and abandoned it after minimal surveys.

This visit was enough for the Gree to realize that there was more than just life on thier planet, and they quickly set about on several ambitious research projects.

In 2146, the first automated robot was launched into orbit. Several more followed before, in 2163, the first Gree spaceship orbited the planet with a small crew onboard.

They spent the next 18 years exploring their own solar system, while waiting for their scientists to complete jump engines. 39 years after aliens first visited their planet, the Gree had developed space craft and jump technology.


Gree have followed one of the strangest evolutionary paths in the known universe, being the only race to have developed spaceflight before the discovery of fire!

Gree are voracious explorers, and in exchange for knowledge, are avid traders. It is often possible to obtain rare and valuable goods in exchange merely for the information in your ship's databanks (if you are well travelled, and have gathered many facts).

Gree are almost never encountered in person, unless you are amphibian. Instead, they perform all contacts via ship to ship communications, and almost never venture out of their ship. However, it is usually only empathic Gree who deal with other races, giving them an advantage to offset their restricted contact. They do have mobile exploration vehicles though, which allow them to travel outside of their spaceships. Some are merely large water tanks on small wheels, for venturing into space stations and the like, while the larger ground based vehicles can be quite large, and capable of traversing even treacherous terrain.

Entering into combat with Gree is very risky. Their ships are extremely maneuverable, and Gree are capable of withstanding incredible G forces. The greater the G-force applied, the heavier the water around them becomes, and they are then pushed upwards, the opposite of other races' dealing with heavy G. As a result, heavy G-forces act upon them merely as if they were swimming deeper, and by equalising their internal body pressure, can easily withstand 20, 30, or even 40 G's.

See also
Gree Technology

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi